Improve your website ranking on all search engines with our online SEO Services.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is a powerful program for growing site positioning and traffic and is the main staple for successful online marketing. SEO is the process of altering the content and other aspects of a Client’s website to target specific traffic and types of visitors to that website.

While there are standard acceptable practices for Search Engine Optimization, just as there are for creating a Motion Picture, at the end of the day, there is a certain mix of art and a little magic instilled by the Director to create a great Motion Picture. In the same way, a little art and magic are needed to Search Engine Optimize a website and make it great.

Search Engine Optimization Services in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and USA - GoMarketingNation

SEO Services Include

Initial Consultation

Website Submission

Content Optimization

Keyword Research

Tag Modification

Link Management

Number of Program Keywords

Custom Optimization Pages

Custom Optimization Pages

Custom Optimization Pages

GOMarketingNation Employs all the Standard Practices Such as:

Client Interview

Initial Consultation is necessary to understand the company, its needs, and its goals for the internet marketing programs and services.

Keyword Analysis And Optimization

A list of relevant keyword phrases that are searched out by potential customers. We use your input on what your most important keywords are, then expand that list by checking that list against the search engines’ databases of actual keyword searches. This research allows us to target the right keywords that will actually drive customers to your website.

Content Creation and Targeting

With the keywords chosen for your website, we will modify the content to include important keyword phrases in the right places such as the Meta Tags, Header Tags, Link URLS, Alt text . This allows search engines to find your site for your selected keywords. We will also monitor keyword-related searches and make recommendations for additional topics to include on your website to boost your web traffic.

Link Building to Related Websites

Receiving Links from other websites are vital for high rankings in search engines. We gather links to your website from various sources and submit your site to categories related to your business in all the major web directories. Then we submit your website to additional niche directories including local and industry-specific sites. Additional links are gathered from press releases, blogs, articles and other sources. Link building is ongoing and has to be done continually to stay ahead of the competition.

Goals and Metrics

Traffic to your website is closely monitored, paying close attention to where the traffic is coming from and which keywords are taking people to your website. We are able to analyze the effective and relevant keywords that generate leads or sales and adjust our search engine optimization tactics to focus on the most productive keywords.

Take Advantage of the Web. We’ll help.

Beyond the basics, we have learned through training, trial and error, what combinations of practices create the best recipe for success for each type of business or individual client that hires us.

One thing we have learned is that honesty is the best policy. Building a website or altering it for the benefit of both our Clients and their Users always creates the best results. Making a website will truly reflect the services and products of the company or individual and will, in turn, create the best results all around. Additionally, we concentrate heavily on the input of our Clients. The input of our Clients is often the “Magic” that creates a great program.

Beyond the above, GOMarketingNation will employ other Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Services and Programs to provide a complete enterprise marketing solution to meet our Clients exact goals and needs.