Get Real Results with Healthcare Digital Marketing

Building a solid online presence in the highly competitive healthcare industry is critical, if not compulsory, for health practitioners looking to elevate their brand and revenue growth. According to recent research, 5% of Google queries are related to health. But people are not just looking for health-related information online. Over 45% of individuals are looking for healthcare professionals on the web.

What does the above tell you? That you are losing plenty of potential customers if your brand cannot be found online. Yes, you are losing business to your competitors who are already harnessing healthcare digital marketing strategies. But this does not have to continue. Working with a trusted and reputable online marketing agency, you can spur online visibility and revenue growth for your business and gain a competitive edge over your competitors.

With the right high-converting marketing campaigns & strategies, GoMarketing provides digital marketing services for Healthcare companies to get more clients and service calls for your business.

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Grow your business with goMarketing Nation, we will help you get more traffic to reach your target audience and earn more consumers for your Healthcare company.

Digital Marketing Agency for Healthcare Companies

Healthcare digital marketing is the umbrella term for all healthcare organizations’ efforts to communicate a message about their brand, products, or services through web-based channels like websites, social media platforms, and email.

A trusted leader in healthcare digital marketing, goMarketing Nation can leverage its extensive healthcare marketing experience to drive more qualified leads and revenues for your business.

Whether you lack a marketing strategy, are frustrated with low-quality leads, cannot measure marketing results, or your website does not rank on the first page of organic results, you can get on top of these frustrations by working with us. Get started today by contacting us at +1 431 726 7262. Else, keep reading to learn more about our digital marketing services for healthcare professionals.

Attract More Leads
With SEO For Healthcare Contractors

Grow your business with goMarketing Nation, we will help you get more traffic to reach your target audience and earn more consumers for your Healthcare Company.

Our Healthcare Digital Marketing Services that Generate 315% More Quality Leads

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) for Healthcare

Search engines like Google have become top destinations for people looking for healthcare products and services like yours. That is why you need to invest in strategies that drive most of these prospects organically to your website. For this to be possible, your business website should rank on the first page of Google results for relevant queries. That is the works of search engine optimization.

Aware that 75% of users do not scroll beyond the first page of organic results, SEO experts at GoMarketing can help you get the most out of healthcare SEO. We conduct comprehensive keyword research and craft informative, Google-friendly content that establishes you as a trusted authority in your industry. Not only that, but our experts also optimize your website structure to make it easy for search engine bots to crawl & index your webpages and make them available for ranking for the most relevant queries.

Other digital marketing agencies tell you that building spammy links will elevate your SEO strategy. GoMarketing strives to be different. We promote your website to other authoritative sites in your website and get them to link to your content, thus positioning you as a trusted resource in your industry.

Drop us online message here for a custom SEO strategy that will place your website on the first page of results, increase brand awareness, and drive high-intent visitors to your website.

Web Design & Development for Healthcare

Your website does not just serve as the foundation of your online marketing efforts and the primary touchpoint for potential customers. It also represents 94% of your business' first impressions. As such, creating an attractive, fast-loading, secure, and easily navigable is necessary to make the first impressions that will get visitors to take your desired actions.

Web design experts at GoMarketing bring the expertise in building an alluringly beautiful and responsive website that pleases the eye and inspires action. Our experts also secure your site with the latest technology to ensure safe browsing and service booking experiences. This way, you bolster legitimacy and credibility for your business.

Schedule our website design services for health practitioners, and let us create a website that matches your preferences and business need. And most importantly, a website that makes your business more visible online instills confidence and trust in your healthcare services and encourages conversions for your healthcare facility.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising for Healthcare Companies

At goMarketing Nation, we understand that the healthcare industry is quite competitive, and SEO may take time to place your business ahead of the curve. That why our experts recommend a combination of SEO and pay-per-click advertising(PPC) services for healthcare professionals.

PPC is all about placing your ads on online advertising platforms like Google Ads. You pay for each click on your advertisement, hence the marketing model's moniker. With Google Ads, your ads rank above the organic results, increasing the likelihood of potential customers seeing and clicking on your ads when they search for products and services similar to yours. This makes PPC or paid search advertising such an excellent way to quicken customer's journey and conversions.

Paid search advertising is ideal for healthcare professionals because it also generates 1.5X more conversions than organic results. Additionally, you gain $2 for every dollar you spend on PPC- that is a 200% return on investment.

With the help of PPC specialists at GoMarketing, you can build powerful PPC campaigns that quickly capture high-value prospects likely to convert into customers. Start the new journey today by contacting us at +1 431 726 7262.

Social Media Marketing for Healthcare

Social media marketing(SMM)leverages social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to increase brand awareness and customer engagements.

Over 225 million individuals in the US have a social media account. GoMarketing can help you tap into this vast market and revenue potential by creating and implementing a winning social media presence using only platforms where your target audience frequents.

Our Social Media Marketing experts study your target audience's behavior and post relevant content that engages your followers from the start. Not only that, but we can also leverage highly focused social ads to encourage direct traffic and higher conversions.

Email Marketing for Healthcare

The truth is, most of your website visitors will hardly book an appointment on the first visit. But you can keep your brand on top of these prospects' minds and guide them towards booking your services using email marketing.

How do you drive profits with email marketing? First, you must encourage your visitors to sign up for your newsletters. Secondly, you segment your subscribers into unique categories depending on their preferences, position in the sales funnel, purchase behavior, geographic location data, etc. Segmentation allows for personalization. Why is it important? Because whereas one email may appeal to some contacts, other subscribers will most likely engage more with something completely different.

Your next step is crafting and sending personalized email messages to your segments. This allows you to build strong relationships with your subscribers, forming a robust foundation for nurturing these leads towards converting into customers. When done right, Email marketing can generate an incredible 4200% ROI.

The above process couldn't be easier with email marketing experts at GoMarketing. We take the helm of your email list management, newsletter design, sending, and reporting, so you continuously offer value to your subscribers and turn your email subscriptions into more service bookings and money.

Why Choose goMarketing Nation for Healthcare Digital Marketing Services?

As your preferred healthcare digital marketing agency, goMarketing Nation guarantees the following benefits:

  • Industry experience: goMarketing Nation has partnered with many healthcare professionals to increase their online presence, brand awareness, and revenues. We harness this industry-specific experience to bring more sales to your business.

  • Custom healthcare marketing strategies: goMarketing Nation helps you stay ahead of the competition and capture most prospective customers in your service area using custom healthcare digital marketing strategies.

  • A dedicated team of marketing experts: Agreeing to partner with goMarketing Nation for healthcare marketing means you work with a complete team of online marketing strategists. From web design specialists, SEO strategists, PPC experts, social media marketers, email marketers to copywriters.

  • We are honest & transparent: At goMarketing Nation, we implement only the marketing strategies your business needs and keep you updated with the campaign progress and results.

  • We keep up with industry trends: As your top choice of healthcare marketing agency, goMarketing Nation remains committed to offering you the best possible service quality. Part of this ensures our team stays on top of the industry and marketing trends and implements the latest techniques to keep you ahead of the game.


Grow your business with goMarketing Nation, we will help you get more traffic to reach your target audience and earn more consumers for your Healthcare company.

Healthcare Digital Marketing Services FAQs

Internet marketing helps healthcare organizations connect with potential customers where they are actively looking for their products and services- online. Not only engage the prospects but also convert them into paying customers.

goMarketing Nation provides a range of healthcare marketing services, including web design & development, SEO, social media marketing, content creation & promotion, link building, email marketing, PPC, and reputation management.

A well-reputed healthcare digital marketing agency, GoMarketing believes that web design & development, search engine optimization, and PPC are the core marketing services for healthcare professionals.

A complete audit of your existing marketing campaigns and a thorough study of your goals, business needs, and budget can help us determine other marketing solutions suitable for your business.

Healthcare marketing costs vary substantially, depending on the business size, specific healthcare vertical, marketing goals, budget, and timelines. To get more accurate numbers, please schedule a free initial consultation with one of our representatives.

4 Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Healthcare Organizations

Provide Value with Content Marketing

Content marketing drives 300% more leads at 62% lower costs than traditional marketing, making it a great digital marketing strategy for healthcare organizations.

There are several content marketing types you can focus on, from case studies, blog posts, white papers, videos, press releases, eBooks, to infographics. Whichever your choice, always aim to educate and inform.

Write about various health-related topics, taking care to answer your customers’ questions in detail. That is how you encourage prospects to spend more time on your website, sign up for your newsletters, and later initiate contact with your business.

You can request other sites and blogs in your niche to link to your content to enhance your domain authority and ranking odds.

Capture More Local Leads with Local SEO

Today, 46% of Google queries have a local intent, and 80% of local searches end in a conversion. Those are among the reasons you should optimize your online profiles for local queries.

The best approach to local SEO is creating local-specific content. Let us assume you run a dental office in Calabasas, CA. You can create and optimize content around local search phrases such as “dental care Calabasas,” “best dentist in Calabasas,” or “best dentist in Calabasas.” Ranking highly for such local terms will certainly keep local traffic flowing to your front door.

It is also essential to claim your Google My Business(GMB) listing and create medical profiles on relevant online listing sites like HealthGradesRateMDsCareDashZocDoc, and Yelp. Keep your information consistent across these platforms to increase trust and credibility for your business.

Draw More Customers with Online Reviews

For 94% of potential customers, your online reviews are as critical as personal recommendations from friends and relatives. Every time your healthcare institution gets sued or insufficient press coverage over medical negligence, or a customer leaves a bad review for your healthcare center on an online directory like Yelp or Google My Business profile, and your reputation suffers incredibly.

Staying on top of the online conversation about your brand does not have to be difficult and frustrating. Encourage more customers to review your healthcare center on your Google My Business profile, Yelp profile, and Facebook page. And walk the extra mile to respond to all online reviews- both positive and negative.

Be more careful with negative feedback. Avoid taking the emotional path, counter false information and confusion with facts, and accept and do something about valid criticism.

Increase Engagements with Social Media Marketing

Too many healthcare providers, social media management is a time-consuming and demanding task, and that is why most shy away from it. But your practice needs social media, and there a few statistics to prove that. Seventy-five percent of Americans research their health symptoms on social media, and over 89% of young adults between 18 and 24 years admit they trust medical information posted in their social feeds.

Healthcare providers may not have plenty of coupons or special deals to offer on social media, but it is an incredible platform to stay in touch with patients and grow their thought leadership.

When getting started with social media, focus on two platforms that matter most to your customers. But regardless of your choice, you must post relevant content to spark meaningful conversations and continually engage your followers. You can share general health tips, links to your articles, photographs of happy customers at your office, and anything else you feel is relevant to your audience.