Optimized Press Releases
Optimizing your online press releases will increase brand exposure, referral traffic, and search engine optimization.
We can optimize and disseminate your press releases with outstanding results. Press Releases are a fun way to let the public know about the happenings of your business!
Don’t lose the opportunity to attract visitors to your site by developing optimized press release campaigns where we can track and analyze the results to continue refining each campaign, one after the other. News agencies and news reports are always searching for new stories on businesses to fill their news agencies websites and partners. The hard part is getting your information out to ALL of them.
goMarketingNation has a database of over 100,000 media sources that allow us to email them optimized press releases. We also have contact and access with emerging community websites and other Web 2.0 entities. The re-use of these releases can offer both powerful brand-recognition, as well as generate many thousands or millions of new visitors to your website.
The results can be amazing for interesting stories and company events that can be picked up and shown to millions of people on the main news sites such as Yahoo! News, AOL News and Google News, not to mention their thousands of subsidiaries and partners.

Press Releases Services Include
Individual /Company Research
Blog Postings
Press Releases